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تدشين المتجر الجديد من كدي ..!!

هذا هو نص رسالة الترحيب الذي عرض صفحة opendesktop.org على الفيس بوك بمناسبة افتتاح المتجر الجديد (وهو تحديث شامل للمبادرة السابقة من OpenDesktop، تصميم جديد وبرمجية سيرفر جديدة وتنظيف وترتيب للمحتوى).

Hello Opendesktop.org users,

welcome to our new community page here on facebook.

While activating some of our social channels again, we are also preparing a small blog on the frontpage which we will be posting news and updates about whats going on around the OD services in the near future.
As most of you have probably noticed, we have started transitioning opendesktop.org stores to a new backend plus an ad-reduced frontend.
All account logins should continue to keep working. All products, accounts,files, votes and comments will be transferred and preserved.
If you experience any issues, please post your feedback here or send us an email in our contact page.
Note that it is possible that from time to time some categories or products may not be showing up temporarily or correctly due to some caching mechanisms, then give us a hint and be assured: Everything is being saved and will try our best to make it available again quickly.
One of the features of our server-technology is an new file upload service, so there should be no more need for posting links to 3rd party storage sites, that resulted in dead links over time in the past.
One of the biggest and therefore last transitions will be kde-look.org, which will take quite some time and needs carefully coordinating with KDE developers, since resources are well integrated into Plasma via the GHNS service. Therefore the whole transition of OD is expected to be completed in 12-15 weeks from now. Meanwhile most other stores and products should have

already moved and show up on our new frontpage.

During this initial timeframe, any feedback is welcomed, so let us know what you think in the comments or per email or in the near future on our blog.

Thanks to all being part of this community, let's continue to build our dream of a free/libre desktop and make it happen!

Your OpenDesktop Team
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Jose Manuel Glez Rosas

رابط الدخول للمتجر

لاتنسى ابداء رايك بالمتجر الجديد ومشاركة الموضوع لاصدقائة ليتسنى لهم معرفة جديد هذا المتجر 
تدشين المتجر الجديد من كدي ..!! Reviewed by justfaqs.com on 11:27:00 م Rating: 5

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